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Website Icons - Why They're Useful

So you have an idea-a great website that's forming in your mind. So you think it over and you think about what you need. First of all, you'll need a great template and a great user interface-naturally. You want something that's quick and easy to use and won't affect any of your users in a negative manner. You want people from ages 8-80 to be able to use your website-so what else is there?

Well, for one, you've completely missed website icons. It may not seem like much, but if you talk to anyone who likes to use social networking sites, there's a chance that they'll tell you a site looks better when it has its own website icon. Let's face it-when you're trying to make things look neat, packaged, and simple, then a website icon that goes with your website helps to up it just a little bit.

First of all, however, you'll need to create a website icon that is simple, but still represents your website. The best way to do this is to first create your site-and then tweak it. Get it to the point that you understand everything going on with your site and the colors that you plan on using for the background. If you have more than one background color, try and incorporate them all into your website icons-but be careful. Don't put a whole bunch of catchy, bright colors together. Instead, stick to one or two bright colors and use a neutral color in order to help kind of bring things together without blinding your users. If you plan on using any abbreviations, make sure that they are super easy to notice. Don't choose to make them the bright colors against a dark background-or the other way around. This will put a lot of eyestrain on those using your site, especially the older users who may have eyesight that's going anyways.

Next, get a good website icon creator. There are several online that you can choose from that even come with (or you can buy) libraries filled with images that are free and that you can tweak and use and turn into your own icons. This is a great idea for those who are newer to the website scene and are doing what they can in order to quickly and easily create icons. They want something that won't fall under the category of copyright infringement-naturally.

Take your time to create your website icons. What you may not realize is that most of the time, this is the easiest thing to do. But it's one of those projects that you can't do in one setting. Create several different icons and then see how they each go with the site-this will give you a better idea of what everything looks like when it's finished and also figure out what won't work very well for your site.

Website icons creation is a long process, but it's worth it.

Website Icons. Web Icons. Search and Download Toolbar Icons. For more details visit http://www.business-icons.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dmitry_V_Costenco

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6136304 >
